Little Talks: three friends and the love of the game

Little Talks: three friends and the love of the game

1)  Hey guys, let’s take a step back in time, when have you become passionate about basketball?


I have become passionate about basketball at the age of 12, for a series of things: dissatisfaction at playing football and friends at school who played shambling. I was reluctant at the beginning, but the first time I played basketball was out of the blue. I realized immediately that I didn’t want to do anything else in my life. Since then, I have decided that there won’t be a day in the rest of my life without playing, talking or watching basketball.


During my first training, at the age of 7, I got hit with a ball on my face. After crying desperately, a love was born that has lasted for 25 years. Silver wedding?


I became passionate about basketball around 93-94, watching the pre-recorded Bulls Finals on TMC2 (a channel that has been unavailable for years) looking at Jordan, I cried out “I want to do what he is doing”. The cliché in the basketball world after Jordan. And since the age of 6, this love has never ended.

2) You are a close trio, how long have you known each other for?


A friendship that has connected us for 20 years. I played with Andrea for 17 years for Firenze Basket, that doesn’t exist anymore. Before, I played five years against him and I lost a final. I became friend with Stefano about 10 years ago. In summer, we play together in streetball tournaments in Italy and in Tuscany, instead in winter we arrange events or evenings.


“Unfortunately”, we have known each other for 20 years. At first we were rivals, then we became teammates. Despite the commitments that don’t allow us to see frequently, the great thing of our friendship is that each time we meet is like we just saw the night before.


We have known each other since the year dot, we all are born in ’88. We were opponents in the youth sector, sometimes we met during a gathering then we played two years at Castelfiorentino, before with Zero then a couple of years later with Camero.

Little Talks cover on Facebook

3) In summer, you launched Little Talks, how did you come up with the idea of the format?


Times ago Andrea, basically, asked to do something similar. For several commitments, the waiting has extended until now. It was an idea of Andrea, he is on Twitch and his channel counts about 250 subscribers in about 6/7 months. He wanted to implement something related to basketball, we had a try and it was great, 5 minutes later we involved Stefano. The great thing is realizing how much we are learning from each other, by always focusing on the project and never on the individual.


We like talking about basketball, especially together and in front of a beer. I came up with the idea of making a sort of “Bar Sport” where talking about basketball at all levels. Then we thought to be on Twitch (a social used by gamers during the lockdwon) an unexplored platform less overflowing than Facebook or YouTube.


Zerini came up with the idea, he thought this thing and involved us because we are all passionate about basketball in general and in any form. The proposal came after an alcoholic dinner that has lasted until 5 am. It could not have been otherwise!

4) For whom who still doesn’t know you, try to describe Little Talks in two phrases.


It’s hard to describe it in two phrase, but trying I would say: A talk show about basketball, the personalities that love the game and the only channel on Twitch that relates about Serie A, going beyond the Nba, with a overlook to women basketball and in Italy it doesn’t happen elsewhere.


A talkshow based on basketball all around, a discussion and a dialogue with whom like talking about basketball.


Little Talks are bar chatters among friends on basketball. The idea is to realize a soft and carefeee format to put in contact as many people as possible to the world of basketball, among results, news, in-depth analysis, from the Nba to Europe, involving followers and different guests.

5) Until now, you have hosted several basketball personalities, what are the next goals?


The goals are many, concrets and also our missions: first of all, we want to establish ourselves, then continue our way, keep moving forward to relate basketball from those who play and live it day by day. Obviously, I can’t go into details, you know what I mean, but I suggest to remain on the fence, many news are coming and they will be great. I hope that a true friendship, among three guys equal in age that share a big and deep love, shine through the screen and despite the distance, they always find themselves, day after day, on the same page.


Ideas and projects are so many… We don’t want to stop and we are enough ambitious. We would like to create a true community that might be always active… #StayTuned


Next goals are surely being able to keep growing, let know each other, have fun, hosting leading or unique guests and characteristic and less mainstream stories. Hoping that this project one day might open to us the doors of the world of basketball.

Don’t miss out the latest news of Little Talks on Facebook. Here you find other interviews to Under 35.

Chiara Mezzini
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